Friday, December 12, 2008

Trivial Repute

This post is of little historical value. Hence the word Trivial used in the title. The letters, however, reflect upon the character of A. G. Abbott. Hence the word Repute used there also. It's simply a catchy title to help remind you to return to this post after you have examed most of the others. They are transcribed as written. My comments are in italics.
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At a meeting of the City Council Tuesday night December 5th the following resolution was passed.

1. WHEREAS WE: The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Sabinal, and the President and Directors of the Chamber of Commerce desire to express our deep appreciation to our friend and Brother, A.G.Abbott for the many services rendered the public as distributor of Red Cross supplies, and other civic activities while in our midst, and to wish him success and happiness in his new home.

2. That this resolution be published in the Sabinal Sentinel, recorded on the minutes of the City Council and Chamber of Commerce, and a copy given Mr Abbott.

Mayor, W.E.Heard
Aldermen, K.T.Biggs
Frank Sutherland

Pres Chamber of Commerce, H.G.Peters
Vice Pres H.M.Waldrip
Directors C.A.Griffin
Frank Sutherlan
Mrs Rosalie McCaule

A copy of the envelope apparently used to mail the copy to A. G. is at the bottom of the copy of the letter. The postmark is Dec (?) 1933. Postage was 1¢. The address was simply:
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Furniture & Undertakers Supplies


March 6/30.

Mr A.G.Abbott:
Sabinal TExas:
Dear Preacher:

Dont kno of any one that might have left here, that I could miss more that I do you, it is lonesome, now more so that ever for when you were here, I always did look forward to your little visits to the Store, for they were always a pleasure.

I want to thank you for the many time that you have helped me, in kindness, deed, an they way you lived your life, you not only Preached it, but you lived it, an that is what we are needing now in this old world, more that any thing else, (A MAN THAT WILL PREACH, AN LIVE WHAT HE PREACHES.

I want you to kno that I valued your friend ship more maby that you thot for. I have not been around much, but I believe I kno a man when I have lived around him, as much as I did you.

Am sorry that you had to run into all of that bad weather, but Preach, it just stayed cold out here, an I thot several times, I did not kno wheather I could make it or not. For more than two weeks, I carried water from town out home, our mains froze up on us.

If I ever get down that way, I will see if you can remember, what you said about a few days on the river. Telll Rogers Howdy, give my best regards, to you an yours,

Yours, Webber.
(signature, possibly ?. B. Williams)

A copy of the envelope used to mail the letter to A. G. is at the bottom of the copy of the letter. The postmark is Mar 7 1930. Postage was 2¢ and the envelope had the postage printed on it rather than a stamp. There is no explaination as to why postage was more on this one than the letter mailed 3+ years earlier.
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Except for the letterhead, this final letter is handwritten. It is transcribed as best possible. The date is unclear.


Sabinal, Texas______________________192__

To Whom It May Concern
Bro & Sister Abbott have been with the Sabinal church nearly four years will be four years in Jan. Their work has been a successful one from the very first and today is in splendid condition. Our Midweek Prayer Meeting has for the entire time run well above fifty in attendance - This is about one third of the Membership. On those Meetings Mrs Abbott has with her group of teachers taken care of the young folks and children where they all were given splendid instruction in the Bible. Bro Abbott had charge of the adults
Bro & Sister Abbott are popular in the church and out of the church and are highly regarded by all for their honesty & (unreadable) service to the church and community.

In my opinion this is a (undecipherable) couple for work. They seem to never tire and today though planning on making a church are as attractive to the work as they have ever been. Frankly the church and town do not want them to go but our finances are growing bad on account of several contributors becoming unable to keep on. And we would not ask a further reduction in salary.

(unreadable) F. Heard
Chairman of the Board


1 comment:

Ken Grigg said...

(This was provided by the Disciples of Christ Historical Society. Original publication unknown. The date Dec.14-33 was added later.)

A G. Abbott, who has served the Sabinal (Tex.) church for four years, will begin a ministry with the Pecos (Tex.) church on Dec. 17. During the time that he has been at Sabinal every department of the church has been effectively organized. An unusual graded mid-week prayer, devotional, and study period has been developed, with a regular attendance of more than 100, at times approximately 200.