Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why Attend Church?

The following is a one-page printed article, date and name of publication unknown, as provided by the Disciples of Christ Historical Society. The copy appears to be the recto page of possibly a small pamphlet. Its significance here is that it was written by A. G. Abbott.


TO WORSHIP GOD — We go to Church to wait quietly, thoughtfully in the presence of the Eternal. There one recognizes the Greatness and Goodness of God as our Creator, Preserver, Benefactor. Through Jesus Christ one sees in God a forgiving Father and in His presence he humbly bows in reverence, devotion and worship.

TO LEARN OF GOD — There is a certain knowledge of God that comes through study — the study of nature for "the heavens declare the glory of God;" the study of the Scripture for the Bible is God's revelation of himself; but there is a knowledge that can come only through experiencing God. A thoughtful, reverent service of worship helps us thus to know Him, "whom to know aright is life Eternal."

FOR INSPIRATION — This is not an easy world in which to live with honor, to keep one's heart high, do one's work well, face the rebuffs of fate and the blows of sorrow, and at last fall asleep unashamed. Only through the inspiration that comes through the association and fellowship with earnest people in the worship of God can one hope to receive power and strength for life's testing problems.

FOR SERVICE — The purpose of Church worship is not only that one may know God, but that through that knowledge and experience he may go out to serve mankind. "For the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and give His life as a sacrifice for others."

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"Forsake Not the Assembling of Yourselves Together." — Hebrews 10:25
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Rev. A. G. Abbott, President of Quanah Pastors' Association

The space for this message contributed by Joe H. Anderson Sheet Metal Works in appreciation and cooperation with the Quanah Pastors' Association in THE CHURCH ATTENDANCE MOVEMENT.

1 comment:

Ken Grigg said...

(This Readers' Opinions piece appeared in the Christian Standard, Nov. 29, 1930)

In the October 11 issue of the Christian Standard there was an article written bt R. R. Yelderman, minister of the Christian Church of Wellington, Kan., called "sunday Night Services that Win."

I believe that this is one of the best articles that the Standard has printed for some time. It is constructive, helpful, to the point, and I am sure that it will help many a preacher over the nightmare of the Sunday evening service. May we have more such helpful messages.

A. G. Abbott,
Minister Central Christian Church,
Sabinal, Tex.