Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Abbotts of Iowa

Isaac Warren (I. W.) Abbott
born: November 6, 1842 Cincinnati, OH¹
died: February 22, 1929 buried Page County, IA²

Margaret Elizabeth Hayes³
born: July 28, 1846 Hudsonville, MS¹
died: March 22, 1921 buried Page County, IA²

Family records show them marrying August 30, 1863, in Chestnut Hill, IA.¹ I. W. was almost 21. Margaret was 17. They lived out their lives in Iowa. The Abbotts had 14 children and the 13th was Arthur Guy (A. G.). The 14th child only lived about one year, so A. G. was considered the baby of the family.

Listed below are the children of I. W. and Margaret Abbott. The information was gleaned from two different sources, both unverified, and there are some discrepancies.

Frank Warren
born July 11, 1864 Salem, IA
died June 7, 1949 or 1954 Florence, CO

Edward Fredrick
born April 2, 1866 Clay Grove, IA
died December 16, 1935

Mary Priscilla
born June 4, 1868 Clay Grove, IA
died October 7, 1944 Wichita, KS

John Isaac
born January 6 or 16, 1870 Memory, IA
died April 12, 1930 New Market, IA

Charles Fagan
born October 6, 1871 Memory, IA
died September 23, 1923

Daisy Belle
born March 4, 1874 Memory, IA
died May 26, 1943 or 1944 New Market, IA

Waldo Lovejoy
born November 24 or 25, 1875 Memory, IA
died March 13, 1945 Loveland, CO

Clarice Lola
born October 3 or 31, 1877 Memory, IA
died July 5, 1939 or August ?, 1940 Los Angeles, CA

Lillian May or Mae
born October 14, 1879 Memory, IA
died July 27, 1880 Memory, IA

Loretta or Luretta Josephine
born March 12, 1881 Memory, IA
died July or September 5, 1883

Rosa or Rosy Bird
born October 21, 1883 New Market, IA
died September 16, 1909

George Aubry or Aubrey
born September 21, 1885 New Market, IA
died August ?, 1953

Arthur Guy (A. G.)
born November 27, 1887 New Market, IA, located in Taylor County
died September 30, 1964 Electra, TX (buried Crestview Cemetery, Wichita Falls, TX)

Vesta Winifred
born January 6 or November 29, 1892
died 1893

For deeper research:¹

I. W. Abbott ancestry —

Isaac Carson Abbott
born June 4, 1810 Andover, MA
died June 19, 1876 New Market, IA

Mary Jane Jenkins
born December 12, 1812 Boston, MA
died March 26, 1884 New Market, IA

Paternal Grandfather
Josiah Abbott

Maternal Grandmother
Jenny Cunningham

If the above information is true, A. G. never met his grandparents and they died in the same town where he was born.

¹Research compiled in 1986 by Normaleene Muir, wife of Ben Muir (grandson of George Thomas and Ida May Redford Muir), of Decatur TX, and handwritten on forms provided by the Fort Worth Genealogical Society. Generally information such as this is obtained by the researcher from verifiable documents and is considered reliable .

²Internet site on the Page County, Iowa, Cemetery.

³information source unknown: Margaret Elizabeth Hayes is the daughter of John W. Hayes and Priscilla Epps.

See also paragraph 8 of a Taylor County History where I. W. Abbott and his wife were the first members of a new Presbyterian church. Scan down to where information on individuals is given and there is a paragraph on I. W. listing him as a farmer, justice of the peace and Civil War veteran.

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The following information was among family history papers. It was typewritten. The source is unknown. Also unknown is why the year 1925 appears on it.

Abstract of Civil War pension application of Isaac Warren Abbott

Iowa — Page County — 5 Dec. 1925

Born Nov. 6, 1842 — Cincinnati, Ohio
Enlisted July 11, 1863 in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in Co. H. 9th Iowa Cavalary
Discharged May 25, 1865 in St. Louis, Mo.

P. O. at enlistment: Salem, Iowa

Grandpa Abbott's father was Isaac Carson Abbott who was married to Mary Jan (Jane) Jenkins.

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Again, the following information was among family history papers. It was handwritten on ruled notebook paper. The source is unknown.

Grandfather Abbott's parents

Tombstone — cemetery east of New Market

Isaac C. Abbott
Born Lancaster, Mass.* June 4, 1810
Died June 19, 1876

Mary J. Abbott
Born Boston, Mass. Dec. 25, 1812
Died March 26, 1884

This information was requested by a cousin — Ella Allinger Abbott of Redding, Calif.

*Listed here as Lancaster, MA, yet listed elsewhere as Andover, MA. Google maps show them being 36 - 37 miles apart.

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Again, more information found among family history papers. It was handwritten. I'll omit the parts about the Tombs of Isaac Abbott and Mary Abbott. Of importance:

In Ladoga Cemetery near New Market, Ia.

Two Abbott children's graves there -
probably Lilian May and Loretta Josephine


Wild Mountain Time said...

I believe that towards the end of his life, Isaac Warren Abbott was married briefly to Mary Elizabeth Cumley, who was born in 1858, and had previously been married to Wilson Delos Eighmy of Iowa. Her gravestone in Memory cemetery, in New Market, Iowa states wife of I.W. Abbott. She died in 1923, which i believe was the same year they were married.

Wild Mountain Time said...

Mary Elizabeth Cumley was also married to Francis "frank" Combs in 1912.