Friday, November 21, 2008

Extended Redford Family


Edward Redford
born England¹
married Ann Elizabeth Fox*
born July 29, 1808
died circa 1841-42

William Josephus Redford
born January 1, 1832 Lynchburg, VA
died January 15, 1915 Fort Worth, TX (Thompson Community Cemetery)


Stephen Terry
married Mildred Bagby

William Morris Terry
born March 31, 1786
died July 6, 1859
married Elizabeth M. Crank
daughter of John Crank
born May 31, 1789
died August 6, 1829

James Monroe Terry
son of William Morris and Elizabeth M. Terry
born December 22, 1818
died 1870 Todd County, KY
married Elizabeth Jane Logan
daughter of Samuel Logan and Jane Cook (d. 1821)
born December 10, 1818
died July 22, 1859*

great granddaughter:
Cornelia Gilmo Terry
daughter of James Monroe and Elizabeth Jane Terry
born October 23 or 28, 1841 Todd County, KY
died November 20, 1927 Fort Worth, TX (Thompson Community Cemetery)


William Josephus Redford married Cornelia Gilmo Terry October 23, 1859, Todd County, KY.

Ida May Redford

This information is from geeological research done by Normaleene Muir, wife of Ben Muir (grandson of George Thomas and Ida May Redford Muir), and is considered reliable.

¹For more research, go to:

*See comments of November 30, 2008.


Ken Grigg said...

In the Normaleene Muir family tree chart, Edward Redford's wife's name is Ann Elizabeth Fox. In the typewritten "Redford Family Record" by Alta Dale Tilley and Bena Royster Hardin, his wife's name is Ann Eliza (no period) Fox.

Ken Grigg said...

Redford family records show date of death as July 22, 1869, which is considered a typo.